Monday 11 August 2014


First off, we'd just like to say that we're sorry about this being a week late but it's getting done now and that's what counts right? Anyways, to make up for it there is going to be some sort of post everyday this week so keep checking back for something new! 
So here we go, the dark-almost-black lipstick trend is huge right now and for once it's something that is more fitting to our style compared to a bright red lip or peplum tops or any other recent trends. Mac is one of the makeup brands that known for their lipsticks and the range of shades that they offer. When you're buying a Mac product, you know that you're going to be receiving the quality that you're paying for. The problem that we found is that when you're just trying out something, it can be hard to commit to a high end product because of the price. You may very well end up loving it and using every last bit of whatever it is but you might hate it and then feel like an idiot for spending a whole lot of money on something you'll never use. For those of you that feel the same way, we've found a dupe for Mac's wildly popular "Cyber" by Wet N Wild in the shade "Vamp It Up".

"Cyber" by Mac has been around for a while and is trusted and used by many. Kylie Jenner for one, wears it all the time but for those of us who don't have endless amounts of money ($16 US which is $17.56 CAD + tax which isn't actually obscene but is still a little steep for a test drive) there had to be a more cost effective option...

And that more cost effective option is this, "Vamp It Up" by Wet N Wild. Yes, it is not a super high end, high quality makeup brand but they make the closest dupe to "Cyber" we were able to find. At $2.29, the Wet N Wild option is a fraction of the cost for identical results. 

To briefly compare the two, the colour pay off is identical. With "Cyber" the first stroke is slightly darker than the first stroke of "Vamp It Up" but a second coat on both and you can't tell the difference. "Cyber" is a little bit creamier but when you're buying a Mac lipstick you're buying the quality that comes with it as well while with "Vamp It Up" you can tell that it isn't as high quality of a product but is still amazing for what you're paying. The last major difference that we found is the smell and obviously Mac lipsticks are known for their signature smell while Wet N Wild lipsticks are not but for most people this isn't something they really think or care about when purchasing a lipstick. Overall, "Vamp It Up" by Wet N Wild is a perfect dupe for Mac's "Cyber". We recommend checking out more cost efficient products before committing to the big budget items just to make sure you really love the colour first! Obviously this doesn't work for every product out there but it's a good tip to keep in mind to save a few bucks in the long run. Let us know your favourite dupes because we're always looking for new things to try!

xx Lucy and Keiko

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