Monday 28 July 2014


Hey everyone! So this week we put together a little something for our summer beach bag essentials. If you're in Toronto like we are, you know that the past couple of days have been kind of rainy and chilly but here's to hoping that turns around and we get some sunshine!
(1) It's always important to wear sunscreen, especially in the summer time! At the beginning of the summer we had a beach day where we all forgot to bring sunscreen with us and everyone got horrible burns. Since then we've been carrying around sunscreen everyday.
(2) Beach hair can be really hit or miss so with Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray you can make sure you are guaranteed those be achy waves. 

(3) What's a beach or a pool day without some trashy magazines or a good book to get lost in?
(4) Recently we've been really into making detox waters because not only are they great for your body but they're also delicious. For today we made a simple cooling cucumber water for a hot day in the sun. 
(5) A camera is perfect to capture your summer days! We like to use disposable cameras a lot because they're durable, easy and inexpensive but phones and digital cameras are perfect too.
(6) We have sunscreen for our skin but sunglasses are just as important! It's important that you keep your eyes protected in the sun, not only in the summer but all year round!
(7) And last, two of the most important things you should bring to the beach are your bathing suit and towel! This towel may not be the nicest but it's huge and big enough to fit three people on it, perfect for the beach with friends. This bathing suit form is a play on the popular One Teaspoon bikinis but for a fraction of the cost!

Hope you guys enjoy seeing what we bring to the beach with us and we hope you're all having wonderful summers so far! Feel free to leave a comment telling us what you bring to the beach with you or if you have anything you'd like to see us talk about let us know in the comments or ask us on tumblr which will be linked below.
xx Lucy and Keiko


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